Exclusive: daily updated climate monitor
In a recent study, Hansen et al. assume accelerated global warming. According to the study, the decline in aerosol emissions since 2010 is expected to increase the global warming rate from 1970-2010 from 0.18°C per decade to a rate of at least 0.27°C per decade after 2010. With the current geopolitical approach, global warming is likely to exceed 1.5°C in the 2020s and reach 2°C before 2050.
The long-term equilibrium state based on today's greenhouse gases including feedbacks would be 10°C above the pre-industrial reference value.
In this context, it should be noted that both the problems of aerosols and high CO2 concentrations can be significantly mitigated with a shift to a plant-based agricultural and food system (=> blog).
The chart below displays 3‑month and 3‑year averaged anomalies in 2‑meter air temperature relative to the pre-industrial baseline. This baseline, calculated as the average temperature from 1850–1900, serves as the reference value for limiting global warming to 1.5°C. The chart also includes the current year’s up-to-date average temperature anomaly and the latest daily temperature anomaly.
Fig. 1-2: The source data comes from the Climate Reanalyzer (https://ClimateReanalyzer.org), which is affiliated with the Institute for Climate Change at the University of Maine. The original data are from Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) (2023), ERA5. The anomalies were calculated by industryfootprint.org. Updated daily at 21:05 CET with a calculation delay of 6-8 days.
The following 4 diagrams show daily updated temperature anomalies for different regions of the earth, namely the "2-metre air atmosphere" and the "sea surface". They are recalculated and made available exclusively for landwirtschaft.jetzt on a daily basis. The latest data added to the diagrams can be seen in the top right-hand corner. The dashed lines represent linear trends based on statistical methods. Further diagrams are available via the partner website industryfootprint.org.
The two graphs below show the daily anomalies in air temperature at 2 metres above the Earth's surface over the last 86 years, relative to the baseline y(x) = 0, which represents the average for the period from 1940 to 2022. The data covers 2 regions: the global average and the northern hemisphere. It should be noted that the baseline already includes a significant increase in the 2-metre air temperature, which covers the average of the last 83 years. Therefore, for example, the global average temperature anomaly shown here for the year 2023 is only about 1.0 degrees Celsius, while it is 1.5 degrees Celsius compared to the year 1850. In order to obtain the commonly used value for global warming, i.e. in relation to the pre-industrial reference period, approx. 0.5 degrees Celsius must therefore be added to the y-values in the first diagram.
The global air temperature anomaly averaged over the current year 2025 for the reference period 1850-1900 is recalculated daily and displayed in red in the left-hand diagram. This is also an exclusive calculation from primary data. The calculation steps essentially comprise: (1) Determination of the difference between the average temperature anomalies of the years 2025 (beginning of the year to the current day) and 2022 and the baseline 1940-2022, (2) addition of the temperature anomaly of the year 2022 to the reference period 1850-1900 (1.16 °C).
Fig. 2-3: The source data comes from the Climate Reanalyzer (https://ClimateReanalyzer.org), which is affiliated with the Institute for Climate Change at the University of Maine. The original data are from Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) (2023), ERA5. The anomalies were calculated by industryfootprint.org. Updated daily at 21:30 CET with a calculation delay of 6-8 days.
The two diagrams below show the daily anomalies in global and North Atlantic sea surface temperature over the last 44 years in relation to the baseline y(x) = 0, which represents the average for the period from 1982 to 2022. These anomalies reflect the deviations of temperature from the mean. It is important to note that the analysis focuses exclusively on sea surface temperatures, and even extreme changes that have been observed do not necessarily indicate an overall increase or decrease in ocean heat content. Instead, they are primarily attributed to changes in stratification. However, the temperature fluctuations are evidence of the huge heat reservoir of the oceans, in which around 90 % of excess solar radiation energy is stored. As soon as this energy is concentrated at the sea surface, it exerts a considerable influence on air temperatures, land precipitation, storms and various meteorological phenomena. In addition, it must be taken into account that the baseline already includes a significant increase in sea surface temperature, as it represents the average of the last 41 years. Consequently, the absolute anomalies in relation to pre-industrial times are significantly higher than those shown on the y-axis.
Fig. 4-5: The source data comes from the Climate Reanalyzer (https://ClimateReanalyzer.org), which is affiliated with the Climate Change Institute at the University of Maine. The original data comes from NOAA Optimum Interpolation SST (OISST) version 2.1. The anomalies were calculated by industryfootprint.org. Updated daily with the previous day's data at 17:30 CET.
The following two charts are not provided exclusively by this site, but reflect other important climate data. They show the monthly ice extent anomalies as the percentage difference between the extent for the month in question and the mean value for that month based on data from January 1981 to December 2010. The ice extent anomalies in the northern hemisphere show a persistent downward trend with minimal fluctuations. In contrast, the ice extent anomalies in the Southern Hemisphere show fluctuations with no discernible trend until 2023, when there is a notable and abrupt decline.
Fig. 6-7: Unlike the other diagrams, these are not created here, but are embedded directly from the website of the National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC) at the University of Colorado Boulder (https://nsidc.org). The data contained therein is updated monthly.