
The consumption of animal products is not necessary for humans. In Germany, there are hardly any areas that would not be suitable for the cultivation of crops. In addition, the few alpine pas-tures are not necessary for food production if enormous areas are freed up by the elimination of animal husbandry. Animal agriculture is not a necessary component of a nutrient cycle. It is not sustainable because it requires enormous resource inputs while imbalancing various material cy-cles and ecosystems through the emission of metabolic products. The negative effects include (i) unused carbon sinks due to land consumption, (ii) high consumption of fresh water, (iii) high use of energy-intensive chemical fertilizers, (iv) nitrate contamination of groundwater, (v) high emissions of greenhouse gases, (vi) acidification of ecosystems, (vii) increase in particulate matter, (viii) eu-trophication of water bodies, and (ix) use of pesticides. Animal agriculture disrupts a wide variety of biogeochemical cycles, sometimes irreversibly, and thus contributes significantly to global warm-ing and the collapse of biodiversity on land and in water.

Due to the high farming densities and land consumption, animal agriculture is a major cause of zoonoses and pandemics. Furthermore, it requires a high use of antibiotics and thus promotes antibiotic resistance. Animal agriculture thus represents one of the greatest threats to global health.

Economically, agriculture plays only a minor role in Germany. Only about 1% of the workforce is employed in agriculture. Two thirds of the farms are part-time farms. Agriculture is only viable through subsidies. It plays an important role for the security of supply, but in its current form it causes enormous damage to the environment and to the health of humans and animals.



Eine Ab­kehr von über­hol­ten, nicht mehr zeit­ge­mä­ßen Tra­di­tio­nen und ein Wech­sel zu ei­ner rein pflan­zen­ba­sier­ten Land­wirt­schaft ist öko­no­misch und öko­lo­gisch eine lo­gi­sche Kon­se­quenz und nur so ge­gen­über nach­fol­gen­den Ge­ne­ra­tio­nen zu ver­ant­wor­ten. Die­ser Wech­sel kann ne­ben der zwin­gend er­for­der­li­chen Min­de­rung der Um­welt­be­las­tun­gen und der Ab­wen­dung von Ge­sund­heits­ge­fah­ren auch zu neuer und sich selbst tra­gen­der Be­schäf­ti­gung füh­ren. Die Rah­men­be­din­gun­gen für die­sen Wech­sel müs­sen von den In­ter­es­sen­ver­tre­tern bei der Po­li­tik ein­ge­for­dert wer­den. Die Po­li­tik muss An­reize für die­sen Wech­sel schaf­fen, ins­be­son­dere durch die Ver­la­ge­rung von Sub­ven­tio­nen. Lob­by­ver­bände und Po­li­tik müs­sen über­dies die Kon­su­men­ten über die Not­wen­dig­keit des Wech­sels auf­klä­ren und die Vor­teile herausstellen.

A change for farmers is already possible. Some Pioneer farms have already successfully completed the transition to biocyclic-vegan agriculture. There is also a certification body and more and more advisory services for transformations. Although the German Environmental Agency still describes vegan organic agriculture as a niche, it has recognized its advantages and certifies it as highly sustainable and with great potential ([43], p.36 -39).