

We are a group of students, teachers, self-employed, employees and scientists who care about life on this planet. We are aware of the increasing destruction of nature and our livelihoods. We have come to the conclusion that agriculture in its present form is one of the major causes, but we also see that it can be the key to a solution.

This website serves the purpose of education and dialogue. The project does not require any financial support.

Contact details
Operator of this website

Mar­tin Mül­ler, Pas­sau­er­straße 26, 94474 Vils­ho­fen, Tel.: 015751077558, Email:

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This website collects no personal data. 
The hosting is carried out by the hosting provider webgo GmbH. The data center is located in Germany and is subject to German and European regulations. 
Se­ve­rin Geb­hard, Pfaf­fen­win­kel 31, 81379 Munich,

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